Ain Hospital
Breast & Thyroid Surgery -
The department of Breast & Thyroid Surgery at Ain Hospital provides medical consultation for screening tests, diagnosis, and treatments of breast diseases. We aim for accurate diagnosis of various breast diseases and early detection of breast cancer, and professional medical staff give medical treatment with honest.
- Introduction of the department of Breast & Thyroid Surgery
01 Professional Care
Accurate diagnosis and treatment by breast & thyroid surgeons (many female specialists)
02 Honest and comfortable Care
Providing customized medical services suitable to each patient
03 One-stop System
Fast and comfortable care from the screening to treatment
04 State-of-the-art equipment at the level of the university hospital
Breast ultrasound
Thyroid ultrasound
05 Genetic testing of Breast and Thyroid
- BRCA (BReast CAncer gene)
- The BRCA gene test is a blood test that uses DNA analysis to identify harmful changes (mutations) in either one of the two breast cancer susceptibility genes — BRCA1 and BRCA2. (3cc of blood is needed) - Breast cancer risk: 80-85%
- BRAF (the gene for the B-type Raf kinase, BRAF)
- BRAF gene mutation testing is the important tool for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and predicting patient outcome in response to targeted therapy for multiple cancer types
- Ovarian cancer risk: 27-44%
For early detection of cancer, BRCA gene test and regular checkups are required. -
06International Breastfeeding Expert Care
07Close medical working relationship with Health Promotion Center and university hospital
08Principle of one-time use of medical supplies for safe and clean system procedures